Running Clubs PR on GroupSpot
Running Clubs get the best results on GroupSpot. No matter what type of Running Club you have, from the highly competitive to the very social, GroupSpot elevates the member experience. With custom features, you can tailor your group to suit the needs of your membership. Sharing details about your events and activities has never been easier. Admins and Members now have a central hub to access their information on-the-go.

#1 Run with Your Club
Scheduling a group run on GroupSpot is super easy. It doesn’t matter if they’re one-time destination runs or recurring events. Share important event details all in one spot. Take photos of your runners? Share that with the group too! Our event posts handle all kinds of details, even important weather forecasts. Your members have a Group Calendar to plan their runs and never miss a beat.

#2 Full Service Chat
GroupSpot provides a variety of ways to chat. Full group chat with the whole group and find out who might be running the upcoming marathon. Or chat one-on-one with someone you just met. And in between? Multi-person chats can be set up by members who may want to support each other and work towards a common goal—like a marathon!

#3 Shared Albums
Sharing photos of your members on GroupSpot lets everyone celebrate together. Whether it's a photo finish or post race celebration at the Pub you ran to, members LOVE photos. Members can add to shared albums, so all can participate and be included.

#4 Community
Watch your Running Community come together like never before. High trust environments where members participate in the fun – chatting, commenting, and sharing photos – are the foundation to any strong running club community.

#5 Privacy
GroupSpot takes your privacy seriously by not selling advertising or member data. Members are comfortable posting, commenting, chatting, and sharing in high trust, closed groups like a closed-group, running club.