Some secrets are meant to be shared. So here’s one you’ll want to pass along… Shared Photo Albums are the best kept secret on GroupSpot.
Different from a traditional photo album that’s put together by an individual, a shared photo album is one where all members of the group can easily add their photos. This matters because sharing photos is generally a nightmare (airdrop, text, dropbox, google drive, etc.). And sharing photos with people not in your contacts or on the same type of phone is even worse (iOS, Android, etc.).
Shared photo albums solve these pain points by letting each and every member of the group add their photos to a shared repository. Share only what you’re comfortable sharing with the group. When multiple people share their photos, it’s really fun to go into the album and see all the different photo publishers with a simple swipe of the finger. These shared albums are especially powerful around big events or other shared experiences.
So how do you get started with your first shared album? It’s pretty simple, there are two ways to go about it in the create post process. Let’s review both:
First, starting from the create post screen, click the camera icon in the bottom right corner, lower navigation. That launches a drawer with several options to choose from. Select ‘Album’ from the list of options. Choose your photos and then select ‘Add’. When you return to the create post screen, you will notice your ‘Photo Display’ is now defaulted to ‘Shared Album’. You’re all set at this point, so just hit the green ‘Post’ button to publish.
The second way to build your shared album is by adding your photos first and then changing the ‘Photo Display’ from the ‘Standard’ default to ‘Shared Album’. And then follow the instructions above.
Now that you have the mechanics under your belt, it’s important to point out a few things. First, it’s helpful to tell your members that this is a shared photo album, what that means, and how they can contribute. Just drop a note in the title or description of the post to cue them.
Second, it’s good to know that you can add a shared album to any standard post, event, or game. Or you can add a shared album to any existing post through a simple post edit. Sometimes a post starts out with a few photos, which ultimately turns into an album, and then sometimes even a shared album. We understand that things can change midstream, so we’ve designed a platform to handle those changes, one that provides the ultimate flexibility.
We’d be remiss if we failed to mention the community building aspect of shared photo albums. These albums are 100% inclusive by nature, and when done correctly, they’re a natural catalyst for engagement. Once shared albums become a viable part of your content plans, your members will ask for them around your events.
We should also just flat out say that shared albums are downright fun. When you’re in a high-trust group on GroupSpot, where no one is hiding their identity, people feel safe and comfortable sharing their photos. They not only share their photos, but oftentimes they comment on the album, and together they watch the album view counts get really big from all the eyeballs.
We’ve seen amazing shared photo albums from vacations, tailgates, concerts, big games, camping trips, and many other shared experiences. They’re a powerful, inclusive, and engaging feature that was designed to foster community.
The secret is out, shared photo albums are the real deal and they’re here to stay. Feel free to sound the bell and let people in on the best kept secret on GroupSpot. While we spread the good word, don’t be afraid to try them out at your next event. Your community will thank you for this wonderful gift and you won’t be disappointed in the results.