Group Creation Starts with Your Identity
First, you need to choose a great name for your new group. Also important are your group header and avatar images, which more often than not, come from existing artwork, logos, or photos.
Set Important Privacy Settings
Choose the settings most appropriate to your group: how private you want your group, who can post content, and whether you want your group to be visible in search. You decide how open or closed you want to make your group.
Membership Questions
The final step of the group creation process is adding membership questions. These optional questions help guide the screening process of prospective members and can be added at any time.
Liven Up Your Feed with Great Content
Take time to create a robust feed with several posts before asking people to join the group to ensure the best arrival experience.
Take Advantage of our Add-Ons
Add an attachment to a post, publish a volunteer signup, create a registration form, and poll your members on important issues, all of which can be created in-app without ever leaving GroupSpot.
Add Events to Your Calendar
Near term events usually live on both your feed and calendar while future events live on your calendar only initially before they are moved to the feed as that date approaches.
Add Photos and Videos
Bring your feed to life with photos and video by creating personal and shared photo albums and by publishing 60 second videos.
Time to Invite Your Group
At this point, your feed is populated with great content and your calendar is up-to-date, so it’s time to send invites which can be sent by text, email, link, or QR Code.
Remind your group they can set their notifications on a group-by-group basis in their settings.
Full Suite of Communications
Take advantage of the full suite of communications available: push notifications, in-app alerts, emails, and chat.
Life is better on GroupSpot
Admins love GroupSpot because it streamlines communications, saves time, and gets the group off email while members love GroupSpot because they can set their notifications on a group-by-group basis, engage with relevant content, and check in and check out at their leisure.