Approving or Rejecting New Member Requests

In groups where owners approve or deny member requests, your member prospects will have to request to join your group. Once their request is submitted, only an owner can approve or deny their membership request. This is how this works:

Upon receiving an invite, a new member prospect needs to request to join. Oftentimes, as part of the joining process, they will need to fill out some membership questions first. Those membership questions are meant to give group leaders a little more information about the prospect before letting them join the group.

1. Click the Bell icon in your lower navigation. Once the request to join has been submitted, owners of the group will immediately receive a badge notification on the Bell icon , indicating they have a new notification to open.

2. Click on the new Membership Request for the member you wish to accept or deny. If an owner has missed a past notification, there could be more than one member request in the queue waiting approval.

3. APPROVE or DENY the membership request.


In groups where anyone can join, member prospects do not request to join. They can automatically join the group. In extremely private, closed groups, where an owner can only invite one person at a time with a single-use invite, the member is immediately granted access to the group since the link came directly from the owner.

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