How and When to Send Email

There’s a time and a place to send an email to your group, especially when you have a new group transitioning away from email or you simply want to raise the awareness of your communication. Even though it’s getting harder and harder to capture people’s attention with email, people still check their email on a regular basis. Most savvy admins use email to drive their members to the app. Post content, with all the utility GroupSpot provides, is way more dynamic than email and posts don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Here’s how to send email to your members on GroupSpot.

1. From your group’s home screen, select the menu at the top right and select Communications.

2. Next, choose Email from the different communications options.

3. When you send an email, prepare your message, choose your Subgroups and Sister Groups if applicable, and then press SEND.

4. If you want to get ahead of your communications and schedule your email for the future, tap the Scheduled For: row and set the date and time for your email delivery.

5. Once you’ve hit the green SEND button, you will return to your main communications screen.

6. One way to confirm your email has been sent is by selecting History from this same screen. Once opened, you will find a running list of any upcoming scheduled communications or previously sent messages. This log includes push notifications, in-app alerts, and emails. It’s essentially your sent box. This helps admins audit their communications.

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