How is a Group’s Membership Organized on GroupSpot?

New groups on GroupSpot are made up of Owners, Admins, and Members. Each tier of membership has different permissions and privileges depending on the role they play in the group.

Owners have all the privileges. Oftentimes they are the ones who created the group. They have full access and privileges. This includes but is not limited to changing the group’s name and identity, approving new members, creating subgroups and sister groups, and even deleting the group.

Admins are in the next tier in the hierarchy. They have the ability to post and edit content, change feature settings, and send communications, but they do not have any of the Owner privileges outlined above. They are second in command helping Owners oversee and manage the group.

Lastly, there are the Members who normally make up the bulk of the membership. Their permissions are dependent on the privacy settings chosen by the Admin. For example, admins can either allow or restrict posting and commenting of all members in the group. Most times, they are commenting on posts and participating in group chat. They normally follow the lead of the group leaders.

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