How to Create Custom Roster Fields

Rosters are an important feature to any team or organization.

They have the ability to capture additional important information beyond the typical contact details you'd find in your Member Directory. Originally created for sports teams, they typically include things like Photo, Number, Position, Class, Height, Weight, and Captain, but they can also include custom roster fields, making them more inclusive of other group types.

Different from the other preselected roster attributes, custom roster fields are new fields created by the Owner of the group. Let’s look at how these could work. For college teams, custom roster field examples might include major, hometown, or high school. For organizations like nonprofits, examples might include title, role, or committee.

This free text custom roster field can be shaped to the needs of the group. Your new field can have a response that could be a date or time, an attachment, or even an answer with checkboxes or multiple choice. For example, the custom roster field could be birthday and the answer is a date.

Custom roster fields can also be used to add some fun within the group. An Owner may include some lighter topic fields that would allow the group to have some with the content. This tends to happen more so with younger demo groups. For example, you might see things like “Favorite Movie”, “Hype Song,” or “Pre-game Meal.”

Whatever your mission, custom roster fields are easy to create for your membership. Here’s how to get started:

1. Open your group menu and tap on Settings.

2. Choose Roster Settings under Admin Settings.

3. Under Custom Fields, tap Add.

4. Tap New Field to open the prompt to add your new custom roster field.

5. Type in your text in the Field Name row and notice that there is a dropdown which allows you to add an answer that is Text only, Checkboxes, Multiple Choice, Date, Time, or an Attachment.

6. Once the new custom roster field is created, choose DONE to close the prompt and DONE again to get you back to Roster Settings.

7. From there, don’t forget to SAVE your changes.

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