Groupspot gives owners and admins the ability to communicate with smaller groups within the larger group to ensure members get the most relevant information. They can do this across posts and mass communications (push notifications, in-app alerts, and email). While subgroups can be used by both Owners and Admins, only an Owner of the group can create subgroups. Here’s how to get started:
1. From your group’s home screen, open your group menu at the top of your screen and choose Settings.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and select Subgroups under Organization.
3. To create a new Subgroup, press the blue + button at the top of your screen.
4. Type your new Subgroup Name and then confirm by hitting the ADD button.
5. Repeat these steps until you have your desired number of Subgroups. You can have up to ten designated subgroups.
6. If you’re a sports team and you’re using subgroups, you can designate them as either team (Varsity, JV, Frosh, etc.) or non-team subgroups (parents, boosters, etc.).