How to Leave a Note on a Signup

Using Signups inside GroupSpot is a great way to engage with your membership. From general signups with limited spots to help needed from parent volunteers or even something as fun as a potluck dinner or tailgate, Signups are a great tool to help you solicit participation.

Once the signup is posted and available to members, there are times when it’s important for a member to leave a note or even ask a question. For example, an admin may post a tailgate signup that includes a spot for dessert. The member signing up may want to clarify what they are bringing so that someone else doesn’t bring the same thing, so they can leave a note on the Signup. Once the note is left by either the member or admin, the two people can have a full-on discussion about that item if necessary.

Leaving a note on a Signup is easy, here’s how:

1. From your feed, tap into the post with the Signup to access the list of signup items.

2. Most times members will tap on the circle left of the list item to sign up for that particular item first.

3. Next to the list item of choice, tap on the ••• dots to launch a menu where you need to Leave a Note.

4. Type in Your Note and tap the ADD button.

5. Once you have added your note, you will notice a blue message box with the number one in it to indicate that there is one note on this signup.

6. Depending on the nature of the conversation, there may be more than one note on the list item in question.

It’s important to be aware that these notes are visible to anyone in the group because they are intended to be helpful information to the group at large. In the example above, if I volunteer for dessert and leave a note saying I am going to bring cookies, the admin may come back to me and request that the cookies need to be gluten-free and peanut-free. That information would be helpful to anyone else considering bringing a dessert.

Again, it’s all about getting everyone on the same page with the least amount of friction. Leaving notes on signups helps us get there.

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