Viewing your payment history is super easy and intuitive whether you are an Owner running the group or just a Member participating in the group as long as your group has turned on access to Payments.
What’s really nice about payments on GroupSpot is that you can review your full payment history over time and easily check the status whether you have paid or not paid for posted items. Your digital payments history removes the guesswork you commonly find with peer-to-peer payment apps, paper checks, and cash.
1. Open your group menu and tap Payments. Again, you will only see a Payments row if your group has Payments turned on.
2. Once selected, notice the two tabs up top, one for All Payments, and a second for My Payments. Your payment ledger is defaulted to All Payments.
3. View the list of All Payments. They are sorted by date with the most recent at the top. Open payments have a blue Pay button which indicates the payment post is still active and accepting payments.
4. Payments that have been closed have been greyed out and have a grey lock icon.
5. You can tap into any listed payment post and open up the post to review the payment details.
6. The second tab, My Payments, are all payment posts that you have actually paid. You can see all the details from each of your payment transactions, including date and time the transaction took place, multiple payments if they were allowed/actioned, and any refunds if applicable.
Owners and Admins share the same experience as members when it comes to viewing payment history with one important difference, the blue Manage button. Once tapped, this special, Owner/Admin-only button opens a full payment summary with all the key transaction details, bringing a smile to the face of any treasurer. Here is the summary for an active payment post:
• Quantity: the number of units sold
• Amount: the designated price of this item
• Collected: how much total money was collected
• Fees: transaction fees ($0 if owner/admins pass the fees onto members)
• Payment After Closeout: total minus fees
• Close Out: action button to close out the transaction
The Owner/Admin summary for a closed payment post is the same as above except the Closeout rows go away and get replaced with the following:
• Closed On: date the admin closed the payment post
• Closed By: which admin closed the payment post
• Payment Method: confirm ACH bank transfer
• Paid On: date GroupSpot made the ACH transfer to your group
In addition to your group menu, Owners/Admins and Members can also access their payment history screens from the payment posts in their feed.