GroupSpot gives you the tools to expand or contract your post audience on any given post. Subgroups are used to parse communications into smaller groups within the larger group while Sister Groups expand your audience across like groups.
1. From the create post screen, start by giving your post or event a title, description, and add any optional details.
2. When you’re ready to pick your post audience, select the Audience row from your create post screen. This row only appears if you have subgroups and/or sister groups.
3. If you have subgroups, choose the appropriate subgroups you want seeing this post. If you have sister groups, tap on Notify Sister Groups to crosspost to the sister group of your choosing. These are advanced features that allow you to expand or contract your audience as desired. After making your selections, press DONE.
4. When everything is in order, select Post to publish. You can see which subgroups or sister groups have visibility to your post beneath the post title.