Scheduling a Push Notification, In-App Alert, or Email in the Future

There are times when you may want to schedule communications to be sent in the future. This is especially helpful when running a large group and you’re looking to get ahead during a busy time. GroupSpot lets you schedule push notifications, in-app alerts, and email to be sent in the future. These are manual communications that you create, set, and forget so that you don’t have to worry about remembering to send live in the moment.

Getting started with your scheduled communications is easy:

1. From your group menu, tap on Communications to access the list of communication types.

2. Choose Push Notification, In-App Alert, or Email. Once selected, write your message in the text box. Note there are character limits of 180 for pushes, 2,000 for in-app alerts, and 2,000 for emails.

3. On the row that reads Scheduled For:  you’ll notice the default is set to Now. If you don’t change your default, your communications will be sent immediately once you tap the green SEND button.

4. To schedule your communication in the future, tap the right-pointing arrow next to Now to choose the date you want the communications sent. Then press OK.

5. Next, select the time of day that you want the communication sent. Once set, tap SELECT in blue.

6. At this point, select the green DONE button to schedule your communication. You will see a green confirmation bar appear at the bottom of the screen letting you know your communication has been scheduled.

7. To double check or view your list of scheduled communications, tap History and you will see a full list of future and past communications. The green envelope indicates a future communication. Tap on that row to see when this communication is scheduled for or tap the red trash can icon to delete the scheduled communication.

For power organizers running large groups who always have a full plate, this is a great way to get ahead of the busy week.

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