Switching to a 24-Hour Time Format

In certain parts of the world, a 24-hour time format is used instead of AM/PM settings used in the United States. Also known as military time, this 24-hour clock is easy to turn on from your Account Settings. Here’s how to set your clock to this alternate format:

1. From your home screen, tap on the member icon in the top header.

2. Once selected, choose Preferences from the list.

3. On the next screen, toggle on 24-Hour Time.

4. Tap the < button to return to your home screen and groups.

What’s important to know is that this is a personal setting and not a group setting and this will change across all your groups. Once the change is made, the clocks will change anywhere time is kept (events, games, chat, replies, etc.).

GroupSpot defaults to the US timing format which utilizes AM and PM, but now members in other parts of the world using a 24-hour clock, can easily make the switch. 

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